
, | 09 May 2022 | by GEM

Triune God

by Leslie Hall

Key Idea:  “The Mystery of God as Trinity invites us into a dynamism, a flow, a relationship, a waterwheel of love. The Mystery says God is a verb much more than a noun. God as Trinity invites us into a participatory experience.”

– Richard Rohr

The realisation that God is constantly interacting in perfect communication and relationship within God’s self and that me (yes, little ol’ me) is invited into that conversation and relationship has been transformational for me! A lot of this came out of a life-saving lockdown practice of praying specifically with Father, Son, and Spirit by setting out three empty chairs in prayer (highly recommend giving this a go). As an extrovert, it brought me so much comfort and joy to enter an already beautiful conversation with the three distinct Persons of the Godhead.

Like many Western Evangelicals, my faith journey began by coming into a transformational relationship with Jesus. Later, through the life-long process of healing from earthly father wounding, the perfectly loving relationship with Abba Father brought me into a greater place of depth with the Lord. And now, after a season of transformational encounters with the Holy Spirit amid lockdowns and even a season of the Dark Night of the Soul, I’ve come into greater relationship with the Lord in the third person of the Triune God, often “a familiar stranger” to many of us in the West (in the words of Tyler Staton).

It’s abiding in each of these Persons in relationship to one another and accepting their invitation to join in their ever-loving, ever-peaceful, ever-hopeful and never ceasing conversation that continues to shape and mould me into both the person I long to be and the person I’m created to be in surrender to the Lord.

As an extrovert, this brings me the greatest rest and joy; not only am I never alone but I’m always amid the most beautiful community in the Triune One. It’s experiencing community while I’m sitting on the tube day to day. I can experience community and conversation in the stillness and solitude of a quiet room. The Triune One is constantly beckoning to come into this “participatory experience” that continues to transform me and draw me into a greater abiding that bears Kingdom fruitfulness.

Reflection Verse

“The glory You gave to Me I have given to them, that they may be one just as We are one— I in them and You in Me—that they may be completely one, so that the world will know that You sent Me, and You have loved them just as You have loved Me.” 

–  John 17:22-23, NET

Reflection Questions

  • How’s your relationship with God the Father? Jesus? Holy Spirit?

  • How do you imagine the conversation between the Triune One? Imagine the Father viewing the Son and Holy Spirit (and vice versa x3) – do you view the Godhead viewing you with the same perfectly loving disposition?

  • How can you make space in your daily rhythms to accept the Triune God’s invitation to experience Their ongoing conversations?