Centering Prayer
Centering prayer can also be identified as “silent prayer” or “prayer without words.” It is the practice of gazing on God who gazes on us in love. The word “centering” is used to emphasize focusing one’s attention and senses on the presence of God. It grants us permission to detach from thoughts and emotions that distract us from God, granting freedom to choose that on which our heart dwells. It is the practice of fasting from words and intellectual strivings, calming and quieting our senses and simply waiting with God and in His presence for a time.
Biblical References: Psalm 46:10, 62:1, 131
For more on centering prayer:
Article: Centering Prayer by J. David Muyskens
Books: Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God by David Muyskens and Breath as Prayer: Calm Your Anxiety, Focus Your Mind and Renew Your Soul by Jennifer Tucker
Podcast: Intercession & Centering Prayer –– Gayle Withnell & Lacy Borgo