Blog | 25 Jul 2023 | by GEM Spiritual Life
Handling God’s Word
The Spiritual Life Team, and Christian Spiritual Formation in general, treats the Word of God as foundational and as the invitation to experience life with God today. The Bible describes reality as it truly is, with the Triune God omnipresent throughout the universe, immanent in it and transcendent beyond it (Is. 66:1-2). The Scripture bears witness to a loving Creator who interacts with His creation. Because His very nature is Love (John 3:16; 1 John 4:16), He redeems that creation from brokenness due to sin to restores them to their originally created purpose of union with God (Ro. 8:29-30).
In essence the Word forms the basis for our interaction with God and the expectation of His presence with us. The Word tells of His redemptive project of restoring His glory to the soul of man in order that we can become the love that God is and fulfill his co-regency with Christ. All that the Spiritual Life Team facilitates finds its source and root in the Word of God and its application to life with God today.
Biblical references: 2 Tim. 3:16-17, John 8:31-32, 17:17; Ro. 10:8-13
For more on the treatment of the Word:
Article: Encountering Christ in All of Scripture by Chris Webb
Book: Eat this Book by Eugene Patterson