Resistance is an underlying and often unconscious response in which we avoid or push back on an issue, experience, or insight. It is a normal part of all growth and is caused by the struggle or tension we feel toward change in others or ourselves.[1] God’s holiness, his unpredictability, even his tenderness can feel threatening, triggering fear and avoidance.
Recognizing resistance alerts us to the fact that something is going on internally that needs to be evaluated. When we address the resistance, we can discern if it is something that needs to be fought against, like the lies we can easily believe, or if it is area that God is asking us to surrender. Resistance may feel like you are actively digging your heels in, or it might be more subtle as in avoiding or ignoring an idea or situation. Left unchecked, resistance can lead to us not being interested in or cooperating with the work of God in our lives.
Biblical references: Jeremiah 17:7-10; Mark 10:17-22, The Rich Young Man; Exodus 3:7-14, Moses at the burning bush; John 13:5-10, Jesus washing Peter’s feet.
For more on resistance:
Podcast: Resistance episode 3 of season 5 of Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership
Article: Invitations, Part 5 by Christopher A. Hall
[1] Ruffing, Janet, Spiritual Direction: Beyond Beginnings, p. 34-5