Rule of Life
A personal Rule of Life is a Spirit-led written description of how we want to order our life as a follower of Christ. To create a rule of life, we first envision the Christian life we want to live. How is God calling us to live? What kind of character qualities is the Holy Spirit leading us to develop? What are our priorities? What are the essential elements of the Christian life? Next, we need to look at our life realistically and consider the practices, relationships, experiences, and responses to life’s circumstances that could help us intentionally move toward God and the person He has created us to be. What needs to be in our life to keep us ready to receive God’s transformation and guidance on a regular basis? What practices and disciplines are we willing to intentionally submit to in our day-to-day life? What relationships and experiences do we need to foster? A rule of life comes from prayerfully answering these kinds of questions, and then articulating a rhythm of life by which we commit to living.
Biblical references: Deut. 30:11-20, John 10:10
For more on rule of life:
Website: Crafting a Rule of Life
Podcast: Renovarê Webinar: Rule of Life
Book: Crafting a Rule of Life by Steve Macchia
Virtual Workshop: Rule of Life Intensive with Jen Pollock Michel