
, | 25 Jul 2023 | by GEM Spiritual Life


Silence is the spiritual discipline of withdrawing or abstaining from noise, words, and activity for a time to become more attuned to the voice of God. In silence we allow the noise of our own thoughts, human strivings, and inner compulsions to settle down so we can hear and respond to the presence of God deep within. It helps us let go of our worries, distractions, and need to control, and we become open to God’s presence, leading and gentle whisper.[1] Silence also functions as a “container discipline” providing a supportive setting for other spiritual disciplines, minimizing distractions as we turn our attention to God using other practices.   


Biblical references: Ps. 4:4, 46:10, Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12  
For more on Silence:  

Book: Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton 

Podcast: Invitation to Solitude and Silence 


[1] Barton, Ruth Haley article on Silence, in Scorgie, Glen G, et al, Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, p. 749,