
, | 27 Mar 2021 | by GEM

Spiritual Friendship

Spiritual friends are soul friends. Their love for each other translates into a desire that the other settle for nothing less than becoming all that he or she was intended to be. This means that they care for each other as whole people, not simply as spiritual beings. Friends become spiritual friends when they seek to help each other attend and respond to God. The supreme gift that anyone can give another is to help that person live life more aware of the presence of God. David Benner, in his book Sacred Companions, says, “Sacred companions help us remember that this is our Father’s world. They help us hear his voice, be aware of his presence and see his footprints as we walk through life. They accompany us on a journey that is made sacred not by their presence but by the presence of God.”  

Biblical References: 1 Sam. 18:1; 20:42; 23:16-18; Prov. 17:17; 27:17; Matt. 18:20; John 15:15  

For more on Spiritual Friendship:  

Book: Sacred Companions by David Benner  

Podcast: Transforming Center Season 2 Episode 1—Choosing to Walk Together  

Fiction book: Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown