When I think of the cost of material things, I always weigh it in terms of the cost- benefit ratio. I read Consumer Guide or see which brand of that particular item sells most on Amazon. I weigh the price against, functionality, longevity and consider whether it is a “bargain.”.
In a way, I think it is easy to do that same weighing of the cost-benefit ratio in my walk with God. My life in the Kingdom of God here on earth. “The cost” being in terms of what I have given up following Jesus:
“Lord, when I look back, I’ve given up all to follow you from the time I came to the mission field in my twenties, leaving family, friends, career, security, wondering each month if the debit sheet would balance the credit, struggling with guilt from aging parents living alone thousands of miles away, working with a team that was sometimes hard to work with, feeling unappreciated, unseen and guilty…knowing I AM GUILTY, especially today with the world blowing apart, perhaps even life as we know it changing forever.”
Yet, at the same time knowing full well that any sacrifice I made or make is temporary, I along with Job, despise myself and repent. For I know the cost of Your sacrifice as You gave up perfect union with the Father that I might spend eternity with You in that perfect union and in the interim experience Your comfort here on earth. That is a bargain. That is worth any price!