human hand forming heart shape

, | 22 Mar 2021 | by GEM


by Jazz Becker

“In Jesus we hear a resounding ‘yes’ to all of God’s many promises. This is the reason we say ‘Amen’ to and through Jesus when giving glory to God.” (2 Corinthians 1:20, The Voice)

People make all sorts of promises. Pinky promises. Calling someone back at a certain time. Marriage vows. Often, promises are made with the best intentions of keeping, whether the promise-maker actually comes through or not. We’re human, and we don’t always keep the promises we make.

When Sven and I were writing our wedding vows, we both felt it was unrealistic for us to use common phrases like, “I vow to…” or “I promise you…” Instead, we opted for, ” I will try to always…,” “With God’s help, I will strive to…,” “I promise to do my best to…” We didn’t want to lessen the impact of our vows, but we wanted to be real with each other, knowing it’s only through God that we can keep our promises to each other.

In thinking about God’s promises, the word “faithful” kept coming up. I’m sure every one of us can testify to our Lord’s faithfulness. God always keeps the covenants and promises He makes, because it’s His very nature, as a faithful God, to do what He says He will do.

Deuteronomy 7:9 says, “Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments” (emphasis mine).

There are two phrases about promises I’ve had memorized for years from my sending church in Hawai‛i.

1. God’s promises are His to keep.
Among many other things, He promises rest for the weary (John 14:14), His constant presence (Joshua 1:5), to fight for us and save us (Deuteronomy 20:4) and that His Word won’t return void (Isaiah 55:11). God made the promises; He will keep them.

2. The person behind the promise is the power.
One would probably be unwilling to lend money to someone who is known for never repaying, despite the persistent promise to do so. The borrower’s words are weak and empty. Our God, however, is omnipotent and faithful. We have confidence in the weight and reliability of His words.

All of God’s promises are “yes”—Amen to that! He is trustworthy and faithful, even when we are not. Even with all the uncertainties in this crazy world—especially right now—we can hope in and hold tight to the Lord and His promises.

In Christ,

Jazz Becker

For Reflection:

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23, NASB)

  1. In what area(s) of life or ministry might your hope be wavering?
  2. What are some promises of God that you can meditate on when your hope wavers?
  3. Pick one (or several) of these “promise verses” to write out and put somewhere where you can easily be reminded of God’s faithfulness.