Blog, Reflections | 24 May 2021 | by GEM
One Direction
by Doug Mitts
“but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, NAS95)
Six months after I trusted Christ, I ran into a person whom I met maybe once at a church. He asked if I would want to attend a meeting of Christians on the university campus. Instead of studying, which up to that point, I had planned on doing, I went.
That accidental meeting set a direction for the rest of my life. Funny how the Spirit works. I had no idea and it seemed pretty insignificant at the time. I continued to attend the meetings, learned how to share my faith, make disciples, and even multiply. In that process, I learned the Holy Spirit simply leads. As He did, my conversation with Him deepened, and I experienced how He empowers us to love, and take initiative with others to know Christ.
I just experienced life happening, but the Spirit had in mind setting direction, the only direction He ever goes, toward the other in love. He initiates. He leads. He led me to a friend I had met once and connected me to a meeting I would attend the rest of my college career. Little did I know that I would become the student leader of that campus movement.
During my years of attending, it grew from around 20 people to over 400 at weekly meetings, with more than 1,200 in small groups. I say this in retrospect. As I lived, life just happened. Not unique, but full of growth by the Spirit in the midst of challenges. Yet, I learned the one direction the Spirit leads, and it became a part of my life.
I shared Christ and made disciples among my fraternity friends. When I left, every entering freshman pledge class had had the opportunity to follow Jesus. The Spirit had led me toward the other to connect them to Jesus and His love. A few years ago, I read in a publication of my fraternity that mission trips by its members were being taken. The Spirit had continued in the same direction.
Jesus has continued speaking with me about the Spirit’s role in my life. The main message hasn’t changed, but the understanding and the experience of the Spirit’s leadership and love in my life has dramatically deepened. His interaction has become very familiar and recognizable. He leads one direction, toward the other, in order to invite and include them in His eternal Kingdom as His followers.
In Christ,
Doug Mitts
For Reflection:
“Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” (Psalm 143:10, NAS95)
- What fosters your ability to recognize the Spirit’s leadership in your life?
- How does the Spirit work through you to touch and influence others?