My siblings and I have a little saying that covers our social awkwardness – “I was raised under schizophrenic influences.”
Stability brings comfort to me. Therefore, I revel, I delight, that God does not change.
Yesterday God was kind and just and merciful and loving and powerful. Today God is kind and just and merciful and loving and powerful. Tomorrow God will be kind and just and merciful and loving and powerful.
When God asked, “Whom shall I send?” My heart responded, “Here I am. Send me.” I looked back at my Bible and read the same words from Isaiah.
What a shock it was to me to be called to the mission field four years later! What in the world did I have to give? I am often afraid of my own shadow. I hate to travel. Though adventures frequently find me, I try desperately to ditch them.
Yesterday, as a new appointee, God raised my financial support. Today, God sustains my financial support. Tomorrow, if I am still called to Romania, God will provide my financial support.
Yes, I have my responsibilities. I must speak out the need. I must continue to connect with those who support me. God keeps me in their hearts and in their checkbooks. AND God helps me to do my part.
Yesterday, the Holy Spirit propelled me to speak of God to my work colleagues. Today, the Holy Spirit helps me to speak to Romanians. Tomorrow, the Holy Spirit will give me words and stories of God for people who walk in darkness.
My part is to remain connected to God so that I can hear Him say, “This is the way, walk in it.” His face I will seek. The Great Promise-Keeper said, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 NIV
Abraham, at the great tree of Mamre, recognized the Lord and said, “If I have found favor in your eyes, do not pass your servant by.” Genesis 18:3 NIV. My heart has decided that this is how I will begin my daily seeking time with God this year. And I’m so glad that my actions do not bring me favor with God, but only my relationship with Jesus.
Yesterday, God brought me to faith in Him through reading the Bible. Today, God sustains my faith in Him through reading the Bible. Tomorrow, God will bring me to be forever with Him, the Living Bible.